How does phone insurance work?
Is mobile phone insurance really worth it? In this article we highlight why the answer to that question is a resounding yes.
We've put together some useful guides to help you navigate the world of gadget insurance.
Is mobile phone insurance really worth it? In this article we highlight why the answer to that question is a resounding yes.
Gadgets such as tablets, laptops and iPads see us through our everyday lives. But, these trustworthy essentials aren’t indestructible and they can sometimes be lost or even stolen.
Phone insurance is particularly important for travelling because some insurances become invalid once you venture out of the country. Insurance2go offers worldwide insurance for 90 days.
Insuring it might be the last thing on your mind, but if you’re worried about your gadgets being lost, stolen or damaged, taking out a gadget insurance policy might be a wise decision.
Whether your gadget has been lost or stolen or if you accidentally crack your screen or drop your device, this type of insurance will be there to cover the loss and provide a replacement.
While unfortunate, having gadget insurance can save you a lot of bother when accidents happen, but it can be difficult to understand what is and isn’t covered under accidental damage policies.